Saturday, July 4, 2015

No Spend July Day 4: Celebrate!

There is always something to celebrate each month whether it’s a holiday, birthday, or anniversary. If you don’t anything special to celebrate you can always celebrate one of the made up fun holidays like national donut day. You can celebrate life and do it frugally. I encourage you to see what you can do with what you have before making purchases. Many times we have more than enough food, decorations, and fun things we can to do. This month we celebrate the 4th of July.

How will you celebrate the 4th of July Holiday frugally?

My Summer Notebook and My Planner:

I busied myself making a frugal plan for our 4th of July Festivities.


We will spend time together in the backyard while having a nice picnic meal. We'll pull out the horseshoe and volleyball set that barely get used most summer's. We'll take a long walk on the local walking trail. My community has a parade in the afternoon and at dusk a fireworks display that my family and I will enjoy.

The Meal:

To make a holiday themed meal I collect a few staple items from my pantry.  This will help to use what I have before making any purchases. I'm happy I had some red things to add a festive touch. I'm adding fruits and vegetables from my fridge and garden. I'm spending a bit of money on a pork loin, berries, and buns. I wrote my menu on a themed notepad that I had at one time purchased at a church rummage sale.  

My Menu:
BBQ Pork Sandwiches
Pasta Salad
Cranberry Jell-O and Pineapple Salad
Berry Summer Poke Cake
Cranberry Spritzer

The Decorations:

My red, white, and blue themed tablescapes. I didn't have anything specific for the 4th so I gathered what I had using the themed colors.

I placed small flags in my flower pots in the backyard. I bought the flags last year at the Dollar Tree.

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