Saturday, July 25, 2015

No Spend July Day 25: Slow the Holidays!

It time to think about how your family celebrates the Holidays. Think about the traditions, the decorations, the food, the gifts, the travel, and whatever else you DO for the holidays. Also think about what you BUY for the holidays.

The holiday clutter is already starting to appear in stores and the pressure will start soon to buy the holidays. Take an inventory of what you have so you know what you may need or can do without. Let’s be honest most of us don’t need to purchase any holiday decorations. It would be a good time to go through your decorations and decide if there is any that you can pass on. Fill a box to pass on at the beginning of November to a young family just starting out. Start setting aside some money each payday in an envelope to pay for your holiday festivities. Can you put together a few craft kits with supplies you already own to enjoy during the season instead of buying?

What can you do to slow down the Christmas train? Can you bake less, can you make a smaller meal or have other contribute. Entertainment your family on the cheap by baking cookies, make graham cracker gingerbread houses, go sledding, take a hike and look at animal tracks, or do a Christmas movie marathon. Is it possible to trim down how many people you give to? Can you draw names? If you want to draw names now is a good time to talk to the family and get them on board. Drawing names on Thanksgiving for who will gift to who on Christmas is a good idea. Token gifts are great to give to most people on your list that you want to give a little something but don’t want to spend a lot. I love Christmas. And I love it because of all the things we DO. Not the things we BUY.

Don’t let celebrating become a burden to you. A simple holiday will still bless your family. You will be more able to head into a New Year with peace and goodwill. Our savoir come into the world in a humble way, remember his birth with a simpler celebration.

What plans do you have to slow the Holidays? What frugal gifts do you make? What can you do now to prepare for the busy holiday season?

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