I really cannot believe how fast time flies. My guy's are 13, and 16 years old now and taller than I am. How did that happen? My time as their mother is quickly moving, and such little time I have. I want to look back and know that I enjoyed this time with my children while I have it!
Time is of the Essence
Now is the time to get things done…
Wade in the water,
Sit in the sun,
Squish my toes in the mud by the door
Explore the world with a boy just four.
Now is the time to study books,
How a cloud looks,
To ponder “up,”
Where God sleeps nights,
Why mosquitoes take such big bites.
Later there’ll be time
To sew and clean
Paint the hall
That soft new green,
To make new drapes,
refinish the floor,
Later on…
When he’s not just four.
By Irene Foster
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil Ephesians 5:15-16
Thanks for the scripture...I needed that!