We are pretty modest in our entertainment expenses. I try to use our local library to the fullest extent. If you don't mind waiting to read the hottest novel out, see a movie or hear the latest CD, the public library is a great money saver.
Our library is in the downtown area and has been remodeled in the last year. It is very nice and spacious with a pleasing decor.
Besides Books & Magazines our library system has:
Teacher’s Department (Homeschoolers Welcome)
Movies available in VHS, DVD, Blue Ray
Books on Tape, Books on CD, and Playaway
Music CD’s
Computer Games
Video Games for Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii
A Listening Station for Children
Computers w/ Internet
Teacher’s Department (Homeschoolers Welcome)
Movies available in VHS, DVD, Blue Ray
Books on Tape, Books on CD, and Playaway
Music CD’s
Computer Games
Video Games for Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii
A Listening Station for Children
Computers w/ Internet
I usually request multimedia items, books for our homeschool, and recommended books. You can request and put on hold up to 20 items per card. As soon as items come in and I pick them up, I usually go online and request more. Sometimes, depending upon the popularity of the item, it may take a few weeks to get the item.
As I Library Assistant, I can tell you so many more people are using the library these days! We had over 100 people come just for one storytime today! It is an awesome place to go, I agree. Thanks for your post!