Yesterday was October 25th which
means 2 months before Christmas.
Bless a family this Holiday
season with a donation. Please consider donating new items to a Christmas
Charity for eligible needy families in your local area. Most Christmas
Charities will provide 1-3 gifts plus any extra’s they receive such as
clothing, hat & gloves, and book to children under 12 years old. I do
encourage you to give in the older age category as a lot of people like to give
to younger children. Due to the lack of age appropriate gift donations many
Charities give gift cards to older children. There are many Christmas Charities
that provide families with a food basket and will accept food donations, food
gift certificates and gift card. Food Banks are in need of food donations and
food gift certificates and gift card.
There are many families who
don’t qualify or don’t apply for help with a Christmas Charity. Please consider
donating used items to a local thrift store the same items listed minus gift
cards and food. There are many families who can’t afford to buy new gifts and
will buy and give used items from thrift stores for their gift giving. Your
used items may be just what a family needs to provide Christmas for their
children this year.
A List of Suggested Gifts: for Newborn-12
• Winter Clothing
• Hats & Gloves
• Jewelry
• Shampoo, Lotions, Perfume, and Soaps
• Toys
• Music
• Electronics
• Handheld Games
• Books
• Craft & Science Kits
• Cards & Board Games
• Bikes
• Sports Equipment
• Gift Cards
• Gift Wraps
• Food
Many Christmas Charities also
provide for disabled adults and homebound seniors.
A List of Suggested Gifts:
• Robes, Slippers, and Sleepwear
• Hats & Gloves
• Blankets
• Shampoo, Lotions, Perfume, and Soaps
• Audio Books and Books
• Gift Cards
• Gift Wraps
• Food
My family and I along with a group of
local homeschooled teens and their families have helped behind the scenes at
our local Christmas Charity for 11 years. My husband and I was in charge for
over 5 years of organizing the volunteers
to sorting gifts, packaging them up, and line them into family groups the week
before distribution day for a Charity. Most people don’t realize the need or
work involved to provide gifts to over 180 families in a single community.
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