I really enjoyed trying something new and getting the coupons to pass out to friends and family and random strangers in the grocery store. My family would not normally buy something like this because it is about $5.00 per box. The box says that it has 6 servings at 1 cup each and since we are a family of 6 the pictures show how much of a serving was on each plate. I personally thought that it was a lot of work for a quick side dish. It would probably be good for 2 people as a full meal.
Orange Chicken from Wanchai Ferry
We liked this resturant favorite except it was a little bitter. We don't like the rind taste.
This was very good my family liked it they did think it was a little sour it was probably the wine in the sauce. They are not use to the wine taste since I never cook with it. I served it with a side of corn.
I have never tried box meals. Maybe I should get a couple for days that I just don't have thing to cook. Both look delicious. I'll have to hop over to General Miller and find out more about this club.
I just went over to General Mills and become a member. THANKS!!! for tell me about it.