Monday, March 4, 2019

Lent: 40 Day of Projects


I want to do something different this year for Lent. I've done things like give up watching TV which turned into giving it up for 15 yrs. I've done weight loss and have maintained about 50 pounds of loss over the past 9 yrs. of my weight loss journey.  I've done 40 Bag in 40 Days which helped lead to my more minimal lifestyle. This year I've decide to do 40 Day of Projects. I have a list of things that I'd like to do. I'm not sure if I have 40 projects that I can do during the 40 days but I do plan to work on a few of my project over the 40 Day. A few of them have been on my list of To Do's for awhile and a few are new project ideas.

The projects I plan to do are going to be more decor project focused. I'll save the room painting and floor refinishing for another time. At least that's the plan. I never know where things will lead since one project leads to another. This will get me one step closer to having my home projects completed and to getting this old fixer-up finished. 

We've lived in our home for 17 yrs. but didn't really do much updates until about 9 yrs. ago.  It really started gaining momentum about 5 yrs. ago. Our home looks so different from the day we moved in that it's almost a completely different home. We love our home and have enjoy the facelift.

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