Library Bag
In the library bag I have books to return, change for fines, paper for bookmarks, and a winter reading program booklet.
This is the bookshelf that I store all the books on after they are brought home from the library. I organize them by subject to make them easier to find. I also put the ones that I have to return the earliest on the top of the stacks so I can look at them first. The top shelf is my sons and he stores all his computer stuff on it. The other two are for the library and at this time I am the only one who has any books checked out. You can probably tell by looking at the picture that I am into baking, organizing, tea and planning for summer projects at this time.
Yoga Bag
This is what I have in my Yoga Bag: Knitted Cloths (to put over eyes for relaxation exercises), an Old Necktie (for stretching exercises), Workout Clothes, Deodorant, Water Bottle, and a Yoga Mat
4H Bag
In the 4H Bag I keep the current years 4H project books, green folders (each persons club papers & notes), and paperwork.
In the 4H Box that is in the basement I keep past years 4H project books, projects, and paperwork.
Quilting Bag
This is my new Quilting Bag that has fabic and batting in it. I just joined a Christian Quilter Club last month that makes quilts for charity groups to give away and this is one of my projects. Since I am new to quilting they gave me a easy project to do. I basically have to sandwich the pieces together and then quilt along the lines of the picture and then bind it together.
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I'm an Organizing Junkie 52 Weeks of Organizing
I love the bags. I use a bag for the library but need to add one for the crochet class I just started taking. Thanks for sharing.