What I Accomplished Last Year:
This is what my Cookbooks, Cooking Notebooks, and storage area looked like at the end of August.
This is what it looks like now. Notice it's not as full and the 2 boxes for coupons and recipes are on the floor of the cabinet and not on top of my notebooks. The magazines are gone as are most of the mini booklets, and half of the cookbooks. The loose recipes in front of the cookbooks are in the notebooks or purged.
How I did It:
I organized loose recipe pages into my notebooks and decluttered a lot of recipes I will never make.
I got rid of half my cookbooks because I realized that although they had been bought brand new over the years as gifts I have never made one recipe out of them. I gave them to my oldest daughter who only had one cookbook which I had given her (Oct. 2011) when she moved out. I now only have the cookbooks I have used which I plan to type up or look online for the recipe to add to my Cooking Notebooks. I may get rid of them also after I save the recipes but have not decided yet.
I purged over 50 cooking magazine by looking online for the recipes I liked and used cut/ paste into a word document, saved it on my computer in my cooking files, and printed the recipe for my notebooks. I donated the cooking magazines to the library free shelf.
I purged a big stack of mini cook booklets and donate them to the Clothes Closet.
My Goals This Year:
I want to have my notebooks organized so that I only have a limited amount of recipes that I can reasonably use and my family likes. I can always look online or borrow library cookbooks if I need new recipes. My recipes needs to be useable and not just a collection of recipes.
I currently have my recipes organized on my computer, in my cookbooks, on my blog, in my seasonal notebooks, and cooking notebooks but I'm not sure if I have our favorite in each place. I need to reorganize them so that they are easy to find and all in one main place namely my notebooks but I will also add them to my other places.
I have many recipes in my seasonal notebooks that I use for seasonal desserts, meals, and at Holidays. They are organized but I add to them each season or as holidays come up so I need to keep up on organizing the recipes into the notebooks.
I started this project for myself but now my daughters are grown they are asking for my recipes and I want to pass them on to them.
Submitted to: I'm an Organizing Junkie
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