This week I am sharing my Book Carry Bag, Project Bag, and Activities and Groups Bag. I am sharing the pictures of each bag and the contents of what is staying in the bags since it would be too much to show before and after picture of each bag.
Book Carry Bag
In this bag I have the current book I am reading, a small notepad, pen, chapstick, and a small cross-stitch project.
I usually have this bag setting at the kitchen table where I read but I also carry it to the bedroom for reading in the evenings sometimes. I carry the bag with me a lot when I leave the house to keep myself busy during waiting times. I add my Book Carry Bag sometimes to the big Project Bag if I am going away for the weekend or am having a project day.
Project Bag
I use this bag for projects that I can do on the go such as in the car or waiting on appointments. Sometimes I use the bag when I want to do projects in other locations in the house besides the kitchen or my office. It also works well for when my church has a project day and the lady’s work on anything they want to bring to keep busy as they socialize. I also carry this bag when I go on trips. I have something’s I always keep in the bag but I add to it depending on where I am going and what projects need to be worked on. I sometimes carry my Seasonal Notebooks, Personal Interests Notebook, Cooking Notebooks or Homemaking Notebook. You can see a picture of some of these notebooks in my Office Bookshelves post.
The bag itself I got at a yard sale at least 5 years ago. It has a big pocket on the front and back along with pockets along the inside.
These are the things I keep in the bag:
A Small Notebook
I use this notebook to make list of projects I am working on.
While I was organizing I had to do a little prettying up of the inside of my notebook. I used a piece of scrapbook paper, 2 pages from an old Mary Engelbreit desk calender, a glue stick, and scissors.
I used the scrapbook paper to cover the front and back pockets and then I cut out the calendar pictures and added them. This was a simple no cost project that added some cuteness to my notebook.
Zipped Pencil Pocket
In the pocket I have a bookmark, yellow marker, pen, pencil, notepad, paperclips, glue stick, scissors, and a card.
A Book
I always have a craft or how-to book that I want to read or do a project from. I usually have more that one book but this is what I have right now in the bag.
free from
Craft Projects
I carry small craft projects that can be done on the go. I bag up each project in a kit so that I have everything I need to work on the project together.
I currently have a box of tissue, a bottle of water, 2 water flavor tubes, baggie of instant coffee or tea making supplies, candy, breath mints, and a breakfast bar that I carry in the pockets.
I find it very helpfulness that I can do tasks on the go, then bring it to my desk and easily transfer items to their proper spots or hang the bag on the back of my office door so I can work on my projects later. A real time-saver and it helps to prevent desktop clutter.
Activities and Groups Bag
This is the bag we carry to Activities and Groups we are involved in. The toddler cookies are because I am the Nursery Worker for one of our Coops. I have snacks, bottled water, baggie of instant coffee making supplies, and a notepad and pen in case one of the boys need to take notes. Usually each boy has a notebook or two for the coop classes they are taking but they haven’t received anything yet because the classes just started up for 2nd semester.
The notebook is where I keep info for each Activity and Group such as Coop’s, Youth Group, and Volleyball. I decorated the Notebook with scrapbook paper, pages from my notepad, scripture that I typed and printed, and a marker.
Zippered pencil pouch with a notepad, pencil, pen, highlighter, paperclips, and a clip.
Notepaper for Notes that I decorated.
A Year at a Glance Calendar
Monthly Calendars
Filefolders that I cut in half to make dividers for my groups so I can organize my papers. I decorated them alittle too.
Everything in the bag.
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I'm an Organizing Junkie 52 Weeks of Organizing
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