Monday, April 1, 2019

Lent: #23 of 40 Days of Projects

This time my husband decide to get in on the fun of doing a project for my 40 Days of Projects. He made a list of over 100 things he'd like to get done although I'm not sure he'll worry about doing them within the season of Lent. I really appreciate him getting this window frame in before it's warm enough to open the house windows.

We have a window in the bathroom and in my office that have the same small window. The bathroom window had a screen and a storm window and the one in my office didn't. Once we moved my computer into my office last year we moved the glass storm window to my window cause it was cold in my office and I use my office daily.  In the summer I couldn't keep my office window open or insects would come inside. We bought the metal pieces to create the frame for the window using the other frame to determine the correct size. My husband create the frame and put the screen into it before installing it into the window of the bathroom. My office and the bathroom now have a window screens. We'll have to price out and order a storm screen for the bathroom too.

 My husband making the window screen for the bathroom.



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