Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Project Week Day #2

On Saturday for my Spring Project week, my husband and I spent time working on our Project: House list. We got a whole trash cans worth of stuff to purge from the day’s work. I spent the evening reading and watching hallmark movies because I was sore after our days work. 
What we did:
Replace batteries in smoke & carbon detectors.
Count the light switches/outlets for whole house.
Check the attic for possible problems. (None found)
Remove hook from family room ceiling.
Clean dehumidifier in basement.
Remove old satellite cable in basement.
Remove old networking cable in basement.
Remove old oil pipes in basement.
Dump and refill water jugs in basement.
Dispose of old insulation in basement.
Clean windows seals in basement.
Put away the spray paint cardboard in basement.
Clean up paint and sanding supplies in basement.
Fix the weight tree in basement.


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