Monday, April 13, 2015

My Outside Projects

We have been in our home for 13 yrs. and it didn't have much of a garden when we moved in. I've planted perennials in the flower beds over the years and I plant annuals in pots. I planted an herb garden about 7 yrs. ago but the last couple years it’s not been doing well. I plant a vegetable garden every year in a plot my husband plows for me. We did a second vegetable plot for a couple years but the last 2 yrs we haven't planted it. I guess I kind of fizzed out on the gardening once the kids started to grow up and not help anymore. I need to get back to enjoying it more instead of it being a chore.

 My husband and I spent a lot of time last year doing project in our outdoor space like purging unneeded stuff, power washing the house, fixing the concrete sidewalks, and painting the trim on the house. I started with a list with about 25 things but it grew as we added regular yard maintenance and improvement projects each month from May-October. I’ve add to the list we didn’t finish last year and plan to start work on it again.

Our shed after a long winter of dumping.

The side of the barn we store our bikes, gardening, and lawn furniture.


Our garden before prepping for vegetables.

If your interested I have a label for my Outdoor Space.

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