Tuesday, May 3, 2011

52 Weeks: #18 Inside of Fridge & Freezer

I decided to clean and organize the inside of the fridge & freezer. The main thing I did was to find ways to use up some of the things that I had in there.

I cut up vegetables to refill the veggie tray. I like to keep a veggie tray in the fridge so that everyone will eat the veggies. When we have salad I just pull out the tray and a head of lettuce.

I like to keep chopped onion, celery, and green pepper in the freezer. This is my bag of celery trimming that I had after making the veggie tray. I like to keep the stubs of broccoli in a bag to make cream of broccoli soup since that is the only way I can get my family to eat the stubs. If my veggies start to look wilted I try to add them into a recipe to use them up so that they do not go to waste.

I had grapes, apples, oranges, and grapefruit in the fridge that needed to be used up so I made a fruit salad.

I had eggs that needed used up so I made a cake using this Peanut Butter Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting recipe.  

I made some hard boiled eggs which my family can't seem to get enough of lately which used up the last of the eggs.

I sliced tomatoes and put them in a little bowl.

I am the only one who drinks coffee in the house so I make a pot once or twice a week and fill up a container to store it in the fridge. I usually drink 2 cups most mornings. If I have plans to leave the house in the morning at anytime during the week I usually fill a small travel mug too.

I have several boxes of tea bag that needed used up so I have been brewing the bags instead of making instant over the last month. I plan to keep doing this until it is gone which maybe awhile since I just refill the container I store the bags in and I still have 3 boxes in the basement.  I brew 6 teabags and 2 cups of water on the stove to make 1 gallon of tea. I make 1 gallon of unsweeted tea everyday.

We always have leftovers for lunch which helps us avoid food waste. We had the fruit salad, tomatoes, and iced tea that I put together along with our leftovers. I pack up leftovers for my husband to take to work after dinner is over. We have leftovers for dinner at least twice a week too. One benefit to my family losing weight is that the food lasts longer so I cook fewer meals each week. I make a menu plan each week but frequently only make about half of the meals listed and still have too many leftovers. I think I am going to start freezing half for another week because my kids are getting tired of leftovers. I would rather do that than cut the recipe that I use in half.  If you need ideas click on Using Up Leftovers to read I post I did in 2009.

I forgot to take a before picture of the fridge but this is an after before I took out the turkey to roast. The top shelf is milk, tea, and other drinks, second shelf is leftovers, eggs, butter, extra fruit, and veggies. I use the small drawer to defrost meat. The larger one under it is my fruit drawer that is now empty after making the fruit salad. You can see were I keep my veggie tray. The other larger drawer is where I keep cheese, lunch meat, yogurt, and cream cheese.

I have been trying to use up some of the condiments in the door. I think I am going to make some Raspberry and Almond Shortbread Thumbprints this week to use up some of the jam.

I roasted the turkey that I had defrosting in the fridge. It had been in the freezer since Thanksgiving and I still have one left to use.

These are the bags of turkey broth I bagged up for the freezer.

I made turkey gravy with a packet that came with the turkey. I will use it later in the week.

The next day I made Turkey, Noodle, and Veggie Soup with the leftover broth, turkey, and a couple cans of mixed veggies.

This is the freezer freshly cleaned up. It is a little empty right now because I haven't found very many good meat deals lately. I try to get all my meat for under $2.00 a pound. You can visit a previous post I did on How I Save Money on Meat. I still have a chest freezer and a upright freezer that I need to reorganize and clean that are pretty full right now. 

I had Kroger Value Fudge Swirl Ice Cream in my freezer for a couple months and we had two of them, nobody was wanting to eat them so I bought  waffle cones at Aldi. Guess how fast everyone ate it when I got out the cones and sprinkles for the ice cream?

I had leftover sugar cookies from Christmas frozen in the basement freezer that I frosted with leftover peppermint icing from the freezer.

I have been using up all the rolls that I got after Christmas for 10 for $1.00. I just got some new ones after Easter so I need to use the ones that had been in the freezer.

I cooked up 4 cups of dry blackbeans in my crockpot that I will use later in the week. I will probably make at least one of these recipes Chicken Fiesta with Black Beans, Black Bean and Smoked Sausage Soup, or Chicken and Black Bean Burritos.

Submitted to:
I'm an Organizing Junkie 52 Weeks of Organizing


  1. My freezers always tend to get out of control. Great job!

  2. You were on it!You took me back to the days when my kids were home.


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