Thursday, October 19, 2017

My Frugal Five- The Project Edition

We've done a few bigger projects together over a couple weekends the last month. It's fun to spend time together without spending any money and our home benefits by looking better.  

We used to think that we didn't have money to do things to the house that we wanted. We have found over the last couple years that we have more money to do stuff like paint and do repairs since we aren't buying as much stuff. In some situations we're using stuff we've collected but didn't get around to using. And some repairs take a bit of time but not much money. Some things like the camper renovation or if we're completely doing a room in the house does cost some money but not as much as we had expected while we were procrastinating.  We bought a fixer upper home and it looks better every year.

1. We spent an evening washing/scrubbing the camper. We used supplies that we’ve had a long time to detail it. My husband bought and installed a new toilet in the camper.


2. Our DS25 moved out in March. We painted his old bedroom with paint we already had from previous projects. It took us a weekend to do. Thankfully I had started this project in June by filling holes in the walls and sanding, putting wood putty on the window trim holes and sanding, washing the walls, and priming. I hadn’t gotten to the painting until now because of doing the camper renovations before our trip in June.


3. We painted the inside of our camper back in June. We have leftover paint so I painted the camper bathroom this week. Not sure why I didn’t think about doing it then, but instead 4 months later. 

4. We purged and organized the shed.  This was a big project to do. We sorted out all the camper renovation leftovers that we didn’t need and put them away. We put the extra cabinet door, cushions, and stuff in the trash. We put things that were out of place back onto shelves. I sorted the big red tool box. My husband sorted his electronics. My husband purged a few of his things. We swept the floor.

5. I purged and organized the garage. This wasn’t that hard to do but took a bit of time. I put the weights that our son left behind when he moved out in March in the basement with the other weight bench and supplies. I swept the floor. I stacked wood and picked up stray debris. I hung up the yard games. I basically straighten up.

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