This is the list I have used to loose weight and has helped me the most in staying on track with maintaining my weight it is very basic. I like the freedom to choose what I eat and try not to make foods off limits but will turn down high calorie foods for lower calories ones.
1. Keep a food journal/ Count Calories
2. Water, Water, Water-Lose liquid calories
3. Eat Real Food- fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, meat and dairy
4. Ditch Processed Foods
5. Choose Your Treats Wisely
6. Learn Food Proportions
7. Read Food Labels
8. Get enough sleep/8-9 hours per night
9. Exercise at least 30 minutes per day
10. Don’t be too hard on yourself
Happy Easter! Hope to see you soon! Stop in at Lowe's garden center and visit if you can.